Budgeting for Search Advertising

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4 min read
June 4, 2024

Search advertising can be a powerful tool that drives significant traffic and conversions for your business. However, many businesses struggle with managing their advertising budgets effectively, leading to wasted spend and suboptimal results. This blog post will explore how proper budgeting can help maximise return on investment (ROI) from your search advertising efforts.

Understanding Search Advertising Costs

To budget effectively, it's important to understand the different types of costs involved in search advertising. The most common cost model is Cost-Per-Click (CPC), where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. Other models include Cost-Per-Impression (CPM), where you pay based on how many times your ad is shown, regardless of clicks.

Various factors can influence these costs, including competition for keywords, the quality of your ads and your landing page experience. As a general rule of thumb, higher competition for popular keywords leads to higher costs. Additionally, search engines like Google use a quality score to determine ad placement and cost. Higher quality scores can lead to lower costs and better ad placements for your business.

Setting and Adjusting Budgets for Search Advertising

When setting a budget for search advertising, start by defining your business goals and financial capacity. Determine how much you are willing to spend based on the value you expect to gain from your advertising efforts. Your initial budget should also be flexible, and should accommodate for adjustments as you gather performance data.

Allocating funds strategically across different campaigns, ad groups, and keywords is essential. Focus on areas that are most likely to generate the highest ROI. If certain keywords or ads are performing exceptionally well, consider increasing their budget. Conversely, reduce spend on underperforming areas. The idea is that by reallocating spend between underperforming and better performing areas, you can optimise your budget spend and maximise ROI as a result.

Tips for Reducing Budget Waste

To reduce waste and improve the efficiency of your search advertising budget, consider using negative keywords. Negative keywords prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant searches, saving you money on unproductive clicks.

Another strategy you could use is ad scheduling, which involves running your ads at times when your target audience is most likely to be active. This can help you get the most out of your budget by ensuring that your ads are seen when they are most likely to convert.

Geotargeting is another potentially useful tactic. By focusing your budget on specific locations where your audience is most concentrated, you can improve the effectiveness of your campaigns and reduce budget wastage.


Effective budgeting can maximise the success of your search advertising campaigns. By understanding the costs involved, setting a flexible budget, and implementing various techniques to reduce budget waste, you can ensure that your budget is being used to its maximum potential.

For further help with your search advertising budget, get in touch today to see how we can help your business.


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